17 Bad Habits at Work And How to Quit Them Easily

We all have some bad habits at work, don’t we? Whether it’s biting our nails, procrastinating, or something else, it’s not just limited to that.

Do you ever sleep till the last minute and then leave for work without breakfast? Or do you skip lunch to complete your task quickly? Some of these bad habits are common among office workers, affecting productivity and making work life tedious.

I used to struggle with time and needed to be punctual. Every day, I was the last to arrive, which made me less productive and unhappy about my work life. So, if you’re going through something similar, this is the perfect guide for you.

So, hop on and find the perfect solutions with me!!

Good and Bad Work Ethics, Why it Matters?

good and Bad Habits at Work

Your workplace behavior greatly affects your productivity, success, and relationships with others. Let’s talk about habits. We all have a few bad ones, and these can impact both your personal and professional life.

Procrastination is a prime example of a harmful habit. It can lead to missed deadlines, increased stress, and reduced productivity. Consistently delaying tasks can negatively affect your work quality and team’s output.

On the flip side, good habits, such as time management, can greatly benefit your professional life. This involves planning, setting clear goals, and organizing tasks efficiently. Good time management reduces stress and enhances productivity.

As an employee, prioritize time management, break tasks into manageable portions, and use tools like to-do lists and calendars. This fosters an effective and less stressful work environment.

Remember, developing good habits and ditching bad ones can significantly impact your job satisfaction and performance. Respect for your job, workplace, and colleagues is essential, so shedding negative workplace habits is always a wise move.

17 Bad Work Habits and Tips to Conquer Them

bad habits

To help you out, here are 17 everyday lousy work habits and some tips on how to fix them. By breaking these habits, you can have a more productive day and start building new habits that will benefit you in the long run.

1. Overtime

It’s common practice among office workers to skip lunch, skip breaks and work till your last breath to complete the task. However, working without breaks can harm your mental and physical health. It does help with getting work done early, but it will affect your overall health in the long run.

PRO Tips: If you tend to overwork yourself, a simple solution could be planning a few breaks throughout the day. This way, you can get more work done efficiently without getting tired. However, taking a sick day is also essential if you feel unwell, but only if necessary.

2. Not setting goals

goal setting

Not getting lost is inevitable when you don’t have anything planned. It’s easy to get lost in the details and waste valuable time figuring out what to do next. This can lead to feeling overwhelmed and stressed by the day’s or week’s end. In this way, you need to catch up, and it also affects the performance of your peers. It’s important to prioritize tasks and have a clear game plan to ensure you’re making the most of your time and being productive.

PRO Tip: To avoid wasting time and increase productivity, it’s essential to have a clear plan. Setting up a planner, whether a physical one or an online application, can help you keep track of your tasks and make your work more manageable.

This will not only help you stay organized and on top of your work, but it can also reduce stress and increase your overall sense of accomplishment.

3. Not being Organized


Disorganization can harm your work, whether it’s a cluttered desk, overflowing email inboxes, or overdue tasks. To combat this bad habit, try organizing your workspace. Being organized can positively affect your behaviour, helping you work harder and more efficiently.

PRO Tip: This can involve decluttering your desk, knowing where all your supplies are, and keeping on top of emails by keeping them from piling up and going unread. By taking the time to set up a system that works for you, you can increase your productivity and reduce stress in the workplace.

4. Lack of Communication

lacking chitchatting skills

Communication lack is one of the bad habits specially, working remotely can sometimes make it challenging to stay connected with your team. You might find that you could be more responsive than you were, whether replying to messages, group chats or joining virtual meetings. But It’s important to stay mindful of this and make an effort to maintain communication with your colleagues, even if you’re not physically in the exact location.

PRO Tip: Communication is vital for keeping your team informed and connected when working with a remote team. Set a time when you contact your team on all apps during your workday. Check your email and respond to the more urgent ones. Overall, Try to be more proactive in communication as a remote worker.

5. Being Distracted

distracted in office

Working can be incredibly challenging as there are constant distractions around us. Whether it’s regular notifications from social media apps like Twitter or the presence of family members, it can be challenging to stay focused on our work. Unfortunately, getting distracted can harm your productivity, and you may waste valuable time.

PRO Tip: Try turning off your phone or placing it out of reach to avoid checking it frequently. You can also find a quiet place that allows you to be the most productive. It’s also essential to communicate with your family and make them aware of your work schedule and critical meetings so they can minimize disruptions during those times.

Developing these habits can help you stay focused and productive.

6. Starving Yourself

man eating in office

Starving yourself and not taking a single break is the most disastrous combo you can try to disturb your work life. Skipping lunch to get the task done quickly may seem very intriguing, but trust me, in the long run, it just makes you feel bored and tired about your work.

PRO Tip: Make sure you take a lunch break. Working while you’re hungry can make staying focused on tasks difficult, ultimately impacting productivity. A lunch break will make you feel much more recharged, fresh, and productive throughout the day. So, make sure to take some time to eat and refuel!

7. Taking Excessive Breaks

man lazying in office
Taking breaks can be helpful to maintain focus, relieve the stress and keep the blood circulation good , But taking too many breaks can have the opposite effect. Snacking every hour, checking your phone frequently, or spending a prolonged amount of time not working can lead to a loss of focus and even cause you to miss deadlines. So, it’s essential to be mindful of how often you take breaks and ensure they are not hindering your productivity.

PRO Tip: To combat this plague of a habit, make sure to maintain a specific time to check your notifications, imply a goal timetable and manage your working hours.

8. Being Negative

stressed office worker

Sometimes, office politics can take a toll on your mood and affect the office environment.

It’s impossible to be perfect all the time. Nonetheless, it’s important to distinguish between having a bad day and constantly bringing a negative attitude into the workspace.

PRO tip: If it’s work-related, it’s helpful to reach out to your boss or co-workers and see if any changes can be made to improve the situation. If the problem is separate from work, it’s important to remember that your team is there to support you.

9. Being too Flexible

man overloaded with work

Working from home has benefits, including a more flexible work schedule. However, too much flexibility can also lead to a lack of structure and routine, making staying motivated throughout the week difficult.
It’s crucial to find a balance that works for you and establish a routine for productivity and Leisure time.

PRO Tip: Consider scheduling specific times for work, breaks, and other activities, and try to stick to these as much as possible. Finding a routine that works for you can take time, so be patient and try different approaches until you find what works best for your needs.

10. Avoiding Technology

not using office gadgets

Nowadays, technology gets more than half of the work done. Companies use various tools for Video conferencing apps, and group chats and emails have become popular tools to ensure teams stay in touch and collaborate effectively.

PRO Tip: Try out different machinery and get yourself used to them. In this way, not only will you lighten your workload, but also you’ll be connected with your teammates. Additionally, you can stay up-to-date with video conferencing meetings and keep your devices updated.

11. Multitasking

office man multitasking

Multitasking is a good habit to take care of various jobs at once. But doing this too much makes you lose focus and results in incomplete tasks. Rather than multitasking, focusing on one study at a time can be more beneficial, allowing you to give it your full attention and produce higher-quality work.

PRO Tip: Dedicate yourself to one project for a duration of time. By focusing on one task, you can ensure that you’re doing your best work. Of course, you can take breaks and switch projects but try to avoid doing multiple tasks simultaneously.

12. Neglecting Team Work

Even if your work depends on a more solo role, at some point, you will need to be engaged in teamwork with your co-workers to finish a project or accomplish a shared goal. Not being able to communicate or engage well will result in incomplete tasks and a not-so-friendly work environment.

PRO Tip: First, you must trust and rely on your co-workers to improve your team-building skills. Then, explore your communication skills. Communication is vital in any team, and communicating effectively is crucial to building strong relationships and working together towards common goals.

13. Avoiding Feedback

men in suit avoiding

Refrain from accepting feedback is a bad habit that can hinder growth in your career. Even if you’ve been in the same job for several years, there is always the opportunity to learn. Your manager, and your peers, may provide you with feedback on your work, and it’s critical that you accept and appreciate that feedback.

Pro Tip: Firstly, try to shift your perspective. Instead of viewing feedback as criticism, view it as an opportunity to learn and grow.

Remember that no one is perfect, No matter how there is always room for improvement.

14. Dishonesty

being dishonest in job

We all have heard since always that honesty is the best policy. I can understand that sometimes, after making mistakes, we lie about it under pressure. But that’s not a healthy work practice and disturbs your professional reputation.

PRO Tip: To break the habit of lying, it’s important to take a moment to reflect before you act or speak. Try to be mindful of your thoughts and behaviors, and ensure that what you do and say doesn’t harm anyone. Doing so can help build trust and maintain positive relationships with those around you.

15. Being on your cell phone too much

using cell phone in office
I understand cell phones are an essential part of our daily routine. But as a professional, you should know the perfect balance. Constantly checking your smartphone throughout the day, even during meetings or conferences. This can convey a lack of engagement and focus on undesirable workplace traits leading to consuming your more hours than planned and delaying the submission. 

PRO Tip: To get rid of this habit. Make a timetable and set your screen time. This will boost your focus, and you’ll finish tasks in minimal time.

16. Being ill Mannered

Good manners are essential not only in our personal lives but also in the workplace. It is crucial to practice good habits and treat everyone with respect, regardless of their position or role in the company. Acknowledging and working on them can make a big difference in creating a positive work environment.

PRO Tip: To treat this habit, Ask yourself why you behave in a certain way and if it aligns with how you would like to be treated. It may also be helpful to seek feedback from others and be open to constructive criticism.

17. Being Dismissive

Stressed lady in office

It’s good to be humble and down to earth, but don’t be a pushover. If you constantly let your superiors or peers downgrade you, you will lose the sense of enjoyment in your work, and it will be nothing more than a tiresome task you detest.

PRO Tip: To conquer this habit, Build confidence and don’t doubt any ideas of yours. Voice out your opinions and be steady in your decisions.

Why it is Important to Break Bad Work Habits

Breaking lousy work habits is essential because they can negatively impact productivity, colleague relationships, and overall job satisfaction. Bad work habits can also lead to stress and burnout and hinder your ability to achieve your goals.

woman wondering why to break bad habits at work
By identifying and breaking these habits, you can improve your work performance, enhance your professional reputation, and create a more positive and fulfilling work environment for yourself and those around you. There are many unsaid benefits of practicing good work ethics.

Breaking bad work habits can provide a range of benefits to your career. Here are some of the latest career-boosting benefits:

  • By eradicating distractions, you boost your focus and get better results.
  • You can reduce stress and anxiety, leading to a greater sense of fulfillment and enjoyment in your work.
  • You can build a reputation as a reliable and effective team member by demonstrating discipline and a commitment to excellence.
  • A productive and healthy routine makes professional life enjoyable and less tiring.
  • Punctuality adds a lot of pleasure and leisure time to your day-to-day tasks, leaving you feeling fresh and content.

You can build a reputation as a reliable and effective team member by demonstrating discipline and a commitment to excellence.

By challenging yourself, you gain personal growth like self-confidence, trust, and resilience, which benefits every aspect of your life.

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Summing it Up!

In conclusion, it’s important to acknowledge and work on our bad habits in the workplace, as they can harm our productivity, relationships, and career advancement. By being self-aware and determined, you can quickly eliminate these patterns and replace them with positive behaviors that lead to personal and professional growth and success.

Quitting bad habits is a process that starts with acknowledging them and getting to the root cause. Eliminating bad habits bit by bit is the key to overcoming them completely.


What are examples of bad habits?

Bad habits exist in every aspect of life now, whether it may be your professional life or personal.
Examples of bad habits can include procrastination, nail-biting, mindless snacking, overspending, smoking, excessive social media use, and negative self-talk.

What are the top 3 bad habits at work?

Procrastination, disorganization, and poor time management are the top 3 habits at work that reduce your work efficiency. These habits can negatively affect productivity and performance in the workplace.

How do you break bad work habits?

To break your bad habits, focus on your behavior and consciously try to change it. You can also ask your colleague for constructive criticism to help you identify areas of improvement.