11 tips on how to make home office more productive

There are many benefits to working from home, such as saving time and money on daily commutes, being able to work in a flexible environment, and wearing comfortable clothes during virtual meetings.

However, one of the downsides of working from home is that you don’t have access to a professionally designed office space provided by offices, which can be a challenge.

wfh productivity

It’s common to face distractions and temptations when working from a home office; the constant allure of household chores often distracts me, from the enticing call of a sink full of dirty dishes to the temptation to tidy up clutter.

The siren song of social media and notifications on my devices can also easily divert my attention, pulling me away from my work tasks. With so many things competing for your attention, it can be challenging to stay focused and productive.

How can you make your home office the most productive space possible?

I have shared some nuggets that helped me regain control over my focus and boost productivity in my home office. Implementing a few key strategies has significantly improved managing distractions and maintaining a productive work environment.

P.S: it’s detailed so make sure to have ☕️ & ????.

How can an office environment impact your productivity?

Environment decides it all.

Are you easily distracted in your workplace? Factors such as comfort, noise levels, and access to resources play a role in either enhancing or hindering your ability to focus and complete tasks efficiently in a home office.

office environment impact your productivity
Personally, when I work during off-hours or from my bedroom, the dynamic shifts significantly compared to working from my dedicated desk in my home. The change in environment introduces new challenges and influences my workflow. Distractions become more pronounced, and the comfort associated with a bedroom setting can alter the focus and productivity I experience when compared to the structured and purposeful atmosphere of a dedicated workspace.

When a home office is well-designed and supportive, it can boost motivation and productivity. On the other hand, a disruptive environment can lead to decreased productivity and make it difficult to get work done.

Here are some ways it can influence your work performance.

Physical Comfort

physical comfort

Ergonomics and physical comfort are crucial elements in establishing a conducive and productive home office environment. The repercussions of an uncomfortable chair, inadequate lighting, or insufficient desk space extend beyond mere discomfort; they can result in distractions and a notable decline in overall productivity. When working from home for extended periods, particularly for four hours or more, it’s imperative to avoid the temptation of using spaces like the bed or dining room as makeshift workstations.

Investing in an ergonomic setup is paramount to ensure both comfort and health. Structuring your workspace with a focus on ergonomics not only promotes a comfortable work atmosphere but also contributes to the prevention of physical strain and potential health issues


office with natural lighting

Natural light can have a positive impact on mood and energy levels. Having a well-lit office with ample natural light can help to enhance focus and overall well-being, which can lead to increased productivity.

So, if possible, it’s recommended to take advantage of natural light and design your workspace to allow the maximum amount of natural light possible.

Temperature/ Air Quality

women feeling hot in office

Some folks are not a big fan of damp surroundings, while some detest too much humidity.

An uncomfortable temperature or poor air quality can lead to discomfort and reduced cognitive function. It is essential to have a comfortable, well-ventilated workspace to ensure optimal productivity.

Office Culture

a positive office enviorment

The culture of the office has a significant impact on productivity. While a positive, supportive culture fosters motivation and creativity, a negative or toxic culture can be demotivating and hinder your overall productivity, leaving you behind your co-workers. Therefore, It is essential to prioritize a positive, healthy work environment.


woman being distracted while working

Excessive meetings, constant interruptions, socializing, or any other distractions can significantly reduce productivity. But a well-structured office environment helps minimize these distractions and improve focus.

Communication and Collaboration

Colleagues chatting in office

Efficient communication tools and collaboration spaces can enhance teamwork and project productivity. If you’re an employer, You can consider providing your teams with platforms that facilitate seamless communication and collaboration, such as messaging apps, project management tools, and video conferencing software. These tools can help team members stay connected, communicate effectively, and collaborate on projects in real time, regardless of their physical locations.

Easily put, A thoughtfully designed and comfortable workspace can increase your motivation, concentration, and overall efficiency, while a chaotic or poorly designed environment can have the opposite effect.

How to make home office more productive – My 11 nifty working tricks!

Creating a home office is like building your productivity sanctuary. It offers remote workers a dedicated space to accomplish tasks effectively. The ideal home office boasts abundant natural light, providing that perfect ambiance for concentration. It’s a tranquil escape from the hustle and bustle of daily life, a place where your focus reigns supreme.

How to make home office more productive
A well-designed home office isn’t just about ergonomics; it’s about crafting an environment that lets you work efficiently while still enjoying the perks of a work-life balance.

So, what’s your dream home office setup going to include?

Make your own space

Cozy Home Office

I used to sit on my balcony during important meetings and calls as my office space was in the middle and was always amidst the hustle of house chores. Now, Having a separate space is essential for maintaining a healthy work-life balance.

Creating a distinct and designated workspace is not just a matter of convenience but is essential for striking a balance between your professional and personal life.

When working from home, managing noise and distractions becomes essential. To combat unwanted noise, invest in quality noise-cancelling headphones. They not only provide a sonic shield from household activities but also signal to others that you are in work mode, reducing interruptions.

If you are short on space, you can also consider room dividers. They are excellent tools for delineating your home office within a multipurpose room and can be taken off when the job is done. Choose a room divider that complements your decor and provides privacy. It can visually separate your workspace from the rest of the room, creating a physical and mental boundary for work.

Invest in your work desk

Work standing desk

When setting up your remote office, selecting the right desk is very important. Your choice can be influenced by your budget and how you intend to use it. If you require ample space for your work activities, Look for an L-shaped desk, a corner desk, or even a U-shaped desk, as they offer generous surface area and can help you organize your workspace effectively.

Additionally, consider desks with built-in storage solutions, such as drawers or shelves, to help keep your workspace organized and clutter-free. Adjustable standing desks can also be a great choice, as they allow you to customize your workspace for maximum comfort and productivity.

To boost your productivity by miles, Consider standing and stretching during the day. To incorporate this you might want to invest in a standing desk or a standing desk converter. It’s like having your own portable workspace transformation tool.

Get an ergonomic chair

neck pain
Buy yourself a good ergonomic chair. Make sure it is comfortable and supports longer sitting durations. If your work requires longer sitting durations, Consider getting a kneeling chair especially if you’re looking for an alternative to traditional office chairs and want to promote better posture.

They are designed to encourage an open hip angle and reduce stress on the lower back. However, whether they are suitable for longer sitting durations in a home office depends on your personal comfort and ergonomic needs.

When looking for a home office chair, you should consider several key ergonomic features to ensure it provides comfort and support during long work hours. Look for chairs with adjustable seat and headrest, material, thick padding, swivel and mobility.

Additionally, if you have any kind of health issue, make sure to look for chairs that support it.

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Invest in your surroundings

workspace surroundings environment

Whether you consider yourself an amateur interior designer, creating a nice vibe in your home office is essential. You can start by choosing lighting or lamps to make you feel good. You can opt for soothing aesthetic lamps that are pleasing to the eyes and reduce stress. Task lighting is essential for focused work, and a desk lamp with adjustable brightness and direction is a popular choice. LED desk lamps are energy-efficient and provide bright, even illumination, reducing eye strain. If you prefer a minimalist look, consider clamp-on or wall-mounted task lights to free up desk space.

In addition to task lighting, ambient lighting is crucial in setting the right mood. Soft, diffused ambient lighting from ceiling fixtures, floor lamps, or wall sconces can create a comfortable and inviting atmosphere. To further enhance the aesthetics of your home office, you can choose fixtures that complement your decor and personal style.

You can also pay attention to the color theme of your space. Different colors evoke various emotional and psychological responses. For instance, blue is often associated with calm and focus; Green is known for its ability to create a sense of balance and harmony, while yellow can energize and promote optimism, making it a good choice for creative and dynamic work environments.

Balance your room temperature

hot temperature in office

Balancing the temperature in your home office is a task that goes beyond just comfort – it’s a key determinant of your productivity and overall well-being. Temperature extremes, whether too hot or too cold, can lead to discomfort and distractions.

The temperature in your home office is a critical factor that can significantly impact your energy and significantly your mood. Temperature affects home office productivity by impacting comfort, focus, and energy levels. Extreme cold or heat can lead to discomfort, reduced cognitive function, and decreased motivation, hindering work efficiency.

Being comfortable is the first step to enhancing your productivity. Cold feet or sweaty hands can take your mind off your assigned tasks easily. To counter this, Try to maintain just the moderate temperature which is neither too cold, nor too hot. Much like the importance of ergonomic considerations, maintaining an ideal temperature is crucial for creating a suitable working environment.

Organize your workplace and routine

well organized home workspace

I don’t know about you, but my workspace indeed gets messy by the end of the week. The paperwork gets piled up on my desk and emails take over the whole drawers. A messy space can be distracting and elevate stress levels. To counteract this, it’s an excellent practice to tidy up at the end of your workday, ensuring a fresh start the following day.

In addition to that, Setting a well-structured schedule is a key component of maintaining a healthy work-life balance. One of the primary risks of not having a clear schedule is overworking. When the boundaries between work and personal time become nebulous, your temptation to work longer hours becomes hard to resist. Over time, this can lead to burnout, as your work-life balance tilts heavily towards the ‘work’ side.

To counterfeit this, it’s crucial to establish a well-structured schedule that helps you stay on track and prevent burnout. Start by setting clear boundaries for your work hours and adhering to them. You can also use notepads, alarms or management tools like asana, Trello, or clockify to help plan out your schedules perfectly.
By decluttering your workspace and forming a perfectly planned out schedule, you can create a more serene and productive work environment.

Try taking frequent breaks

man taking a break while working
This might seem basic, but breaks are the most important tool for being productive.

When folks work remotely, they set their own timetables, when to start, when to get off and sometimes it becomes excessive. It’s better to stick to the 9-5 rule to overcome this.

To achieve this, it’s essential to create a balanced and healthy routine. Start by setting up an ergonomic workspace that promotes good posture and minimizes physical strain.

Sedentary work habits, prolonged sitting, and poor posture can lead to issues like back pain, muscle stiffness, and reduced blood circulation, all of which can hamper focus and efficiency.

Stress and mental health problems are also major contributors to decreased productivity.

Consider incorporating light stretching exercises into your daily routine to combat these issues. Simple neck rolls, shoulder shrugs, and wrist stretches can alleviate tension and improve blood flow. Additionally, taking short breaks to stand up and perform standing leg stretches or deep breathing exercises can help alleviate stress, enhance concentration, and promote overall well-being.

Prioritize healthy eating habits by planning nutritious meals and staying hydrated throughout the day. Remember, taking care of yourself is the first step towards being able to take care of others.

Prioritize complex tasks when you feel most productive

complex tasks

We always hear the term “Work smart, not hard”. But do you know how to imply this in your regular work life? This is my cheat code to completing every task with ultimate productivity.
One of the most effective strategies for maximising productivity is to complete the most complex and demanding tasks during the times when you feel most productive and alert.

Your energy levels and focus naturally ebb and flow throughout the day, and understanding your own daily rhythm can be a game-changer. Doesn’t matter whether you’re a morning person who feels the most productive in the early hours or someone who thrives in the afternoon, managing your competitive tasks with these high-energy periods can lead to greater efficiency and better results.

This approach allows you to leverage your mental resources when they are at their freshest, making it easier to tackle intricate problems and make significant progress on your most important projects. By adapting your work schedule to your personal productivity peak times, you can easily accomplish all your tasks and feel a sense of achievement at the end of each day.

Communicate with family for better productivity

family communiation
Maintaining productivity while working from home often requires clear communication with your family members. It’s crucial to convey the importance of an undisturbed workspace during your work hours. Discuss the significance of minimizing interruptions and distractions so you can fully concentrate on your tasks.

For individuals with children at home, managing productivity can surely be a unique challenge. It’s important to have a conversation with your children about your work schedule. Explain to them the importance of focused work hours and the need for their cooperation. Create a visual schedule or use a timer to help children understand when it’s okay to seek your attention and when you need to concentrate. Or you can also encourage them to engage in quiet activities during your work time and let them know that you’ll have dedicated breaks to spend quality time with them.

Providing your family with these visual cues can help reinforce the idea of respecting your work hours. Overall, clear and open communication, along with a combination of understanding and physical boundaries, can greatly enhance your ability to maintain productivity while working from home with a family.

Maintain a personal/professional life balance

Personal Professional Life Balance
At the end of your workday, it’s important to shut down your computer and take a mental break from work. This will help you maintain a healthy work-life balance and ensure that you’re able to recharge for the next day. Remember to prioritize your well-being and set boundaries for yourself to prevent burnout.

Don’t let work affect your personal life; while you are off work, give time to your friends and family. Focus on yourself as well. Going for a jog, making plans with friends, or a simple outing with your close ones can give you a refreshed feeling and take the stress off your shoulders. To be productive in the long run, these practices are really crucial.

What works best for one person may not work for another, so it’s important to customise your home office to suit your needs. Experiment with different setups and routines until you find what makes you the most productive and comfortable.

Evaluate and adjust

evaluating tasks
Regularly evaluating and adjusting your home office setup and productivity is vital for maintaining an effective and comfortable workspace. Over time, your needs and work habits may evolve, and what was initially a perfect arrangement might become less suitable.

You can identify any issues or areas for improvement by conducting periodic assessments. This could include ergonomics, lighting, organization, or even time management. Changes such as rearranging furniture, upgrading equipment, or implementing better storage solutions can substantially impact your overall productivity and well-being.

Being flexible and open to making these adjustments is key to creating a home office that truly supports your work goals and personal comfort.

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Wrapping up

Enhancing productivity in a home office is not only achievable but essential in your ever-evolving work landscape. By implementing cheat codes in this article, you can transform your home office into a hub of efficiency and creativity.

From creating a dedicated workspace and optimizing your technology to setting clear boundaries and prioritizing your well-being, these strategies empower you to take control of your work environment. As remote work continues to shape how we work, these tips serve as a valuable toolkit to boost your productivity and create a more harmonious work-life balance.

With determination, consistency, and a dash of creativity, your home office can be a space where you thrive personally and professionally.